Wednesday, November 10, 2010

30 days of truth

.Day 02 → Something you love about yourself

This one was really hard for me, and I don't know why! I guess something I love about myself is kind of a double edged sword its helped me out and hurt me in ways. Its part of my personality I can't hold grudges or be mean to people! Not that I can't be mean cause I can just when someone does something to me or is being a jerk I can be a jerk right back, but as soon as they start being nice to me I can't help but be nice to them. It drives me crazy inside I want to hate them and not ever be their friend again. I will say I wont talk to them or be nice until they apologies but half the time I don't get an apology and I end up forgiving them. I like this about my self cause I don't carry around the weight of grudges or resentment, it feels good to just let things go and not let it eat away. I see some people that hold on to stuff for decades even though they say they have let something go or forgiven someone, you can still see it in them the way it affects the little things in their life! I don't want to ever be that type of person I believe everyone deserves second, third and forth chances in life! That may be really naive and dumb but it works for me!


  1. I'd rather be too nice than a big meanie! Good for you & your forgiving heart :)
