Friday, January 28, 2011

Fill in the blank........FRIDAY!!

1.   If my house was on fire and I could only grab 3 things I would grab       my camera, of course family pictures, and probably my laptop!

2.  A smell I really like is    the orange groves in the spring, when I first moved to California we were literally surrounded by orange groves, now they are all gone. Except right down Ontario Avenue there is one left and it just so happens to be my boyfriends Grandmothers so I have been helping myself to some very good oranges and tangerines lately!
3.  Something you might not know about me is       I was in speech therapy for several years. When I was in Texas they put me in speech before I even started school guess I couldn't say alot of things I don't really remember it. Then when I moved to Wyoming, the schools didn't like my Texas accent very much so they made me go to speech therapy to break it! Guess what! I still cant talk!
4.  Some of my favorite websites to putter about on are   of course all the lovely blogs I follow. Facebook I guess and amazon!

5.  This weekend I will     having a girls night out tonight! Saturday go to AAA to get my seadoo trailer in my name finally and then I am not sure whats planned!

7.  A bad habit I have is       throwing my dirty clothes and clean clothes everywhere and not putting them away!
6. Nothing makes me happier than       getting to sleep in and having nothing to do!

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